Friday, September 23, 2005

The Great Apollo Conspiracy

Newtek Discussions-Lunar Lander Debate

The Newtek discussion forums is a place I frequent where I observe and sometimes, engage in discussions, mostly concerning Newtek's animation (Lightwave 3D) and video (VT) products, both, of which, I use all the time. Discussion sites, being what they are, often go off-topic. The link above came from such an occurance. It started with someone having created a animation concept of the new Moon mission the U.S. plans on implementing in the next decade. The discussion turned into a debate outside of the animation so the forum moderator felt it best to separate the off-topic discussion. So there's the background.

The off-topic discussion began with a person stating that all the Apollo missions were faked. He goes on to show websites that he felt proved this was the case. He got a healthy amount of criticism for this view form other members (myself, included). This debate is raging on as I write this and I particularly like the argument made by Chuck Baker, the moderator;

"...your assertions that the moon landings were a hoax does in fact amount to maligning the character of everyone involved in those programs."

Mr. Baker pointed out that the non-believer was insulting to a huge number of people, including scientists, engineers, and technicians, not to mention the press, and the government of the United States. My own father was involved in the construction of the Saturn V engines at Rocketdyne.

The non-believer offers no real evidence, not to mention any proof of his assertions. He just points out that the launch of the lunar module (LEM) from the Moon appeared fake because it didn't appear that such a flimsy, yet heavy (it was filled with Moon rocks) vehicle could take off from the Moon. He kept daring people to prove him wrong. Finding all the data from over 30 years ago, let alone, knowing the physics involved was a lot to ask. Yet, people actually took the trouble and gave him the facts and figures. Of course, he won't accept what they say and we are all banging our heads.

I thought it was just religion and politics that caused people to be so hard-headed.

More about space to come...


  1. Robert conspiracy theories are abundant in the world, jfk,ufo's,bigfoot, Vince Foster(clinton aid who killed himself although repubs (like Limbaugh) continue to say Clinton had him killed) the election of 2000. They are a strange breed of people out there.

  2. The only conspiracy theory I've ever subscribed to was JFK. There is no way from the angle they said he shot from and where the bullit hit President Kennedy that Oswalt could have acted alone.

  3. Oswald may not have been working alone but everything I've seen convinces me he was the only one who fired a gun.

  4. I would disagree with that cause if Oswalt shot him from the back you would think the momentum of the bullit hitting his head would move the head forward BUT in the film it clearly shows the head moving back as if he was hit from the front.

  5. I remember being shown, years ago in a physics class that that is exactly how it happens. If you shoot a watermelon, for example, it will fall towards you. I know that sounds contrary to logic, but that's what happens.

    Penn and Teller showed this on their cable program. Bull****

  6. I still disagree. To me it's just to easy to just assume Oswald acted alone. Facts to me indicate otherwise. And besided Penn and Teller are just as reliable as the national enquirer

  7. First of all, I specifically said "Oswald may not have been working alone", I just said I he probably was the only one with a gun.

    Penn & Teller was not my only source concerning the gun, although it was the most recent. We really did discuss this very thing in a class I had in the early 1980's.

    The conspiracy of a third party (the mafia, the Soviets, political enemies, etc) being behind the JFK assassination is open. The conspiracy of there being a second gunman is pretty much in the domain of the conspiracy theorists.

  8. I would even include political friends not just enemies I say that cause say even though they might be friends they still might have wanted the war in Vietnam and I think that's why JFK was killed.

  9. ROBERT just so you know I think on AMC they are showing 2001 on Friday. Thought you might be interested.

  10. I have the DVD, of course. I've seen it on TCM, which I prefer over AMC. TCM shows its films uncut and commercial free (just a TCM bug in the lower right corner). AMC edits and breaks up their movies with commercials.

    If you find out that its playing in a theater somewhere, Let me know as I'm always interested in that.

  11. Actually, I just looked it up on and found out that what they are showing is a documentary about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I will certainly have to watch that. Thanks Erik.
