Tuesday, November 22, 2005

With Thanksgiving two days away. I will have little time for myself so I will take the opportunity to reflect on what I am most thankful for now.
  • I am thankful for my wife Michelle, for she makes life worth living, in good times or bad.

    (The rest are in no particular order)

  • I am thankful for my parents. May they continue to share life together, a good while more.

  • I am thankful for my roof over my head, the food I can eat, and a warm dry place to sleep.

  • I am thankful I have the means to provide myself and my wife the above amenities.

  • I am thankful I have the tools to express my creativity.

  • I am thankful to the friends I have (Jeff, Lisa, Lee, Erik, Michele, Steve, Randy, Reggie, Gloria) as good ones are so hard to find.

Remember that Thanksgiving is the only true American holiday. Remember the significance of what it means and please don't disgrace it by referring to it as "turkey day".

Have a pleasant and safe Thanksgiving.

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