Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Drunk Driving is Okay - Just Don't Be an Anti-Semite

I am going to talk about the recent Mel Gibson incident. First of all, I am not going to defend Mr. Gibson's actions in the slightest way. Drunk driving is despicable. There is no excuse for it. If you are an alcoholic, then at least be responsible enough to know you can't drive. This is a crime that I believe should have severe consequences, even for your first offense. I'll embellish that statement in an upcoming blog entry. I understand he had a blood-alcohol level around .25% That's 3 times the legal limit and its not his first offense. If someone goes out and drinks the 10 drinks or so it takes to get that much alcohol in his/her bloodstream, getting behind the wheel is the equivalent of taking a rifle and shooting it repeatedly in random directions. Someone might get injured or killed, maybe not. Gibson should be in prison for life.

I guess celebrity drunk driving just isn't a big issue. Patrick Kennedy got caught last month. It seems to be a fairly regular occurrence. It's apparently, not a very big deal. However, it is a big deal when Gibson goes on an anti-Semitic tirade. I'm not going to defend Gibson at all. On television, his remarks are everywhere. The drunk driving part of the story is just used as a framework around the focal point of his statements.

In his drunken state, Gibson's car was a deadly weapon. He could have killed or injured one or more people. Gibson's words are going to hurt him more than anyone in the Jewish community. Gibson threw the proverbial stone from his glass house. He works in Hollywood where rumor has it that there are a few Jews with a great deal of power there. Gibson is going to be subjected to boycotts and refusals by studios. In fact, I understand that ABC has already cancelled the work on his holocaust mini-series.

Gibson was compelled to apologize to the Jewish community for his remarks. I say Gibson should also apologize to the city of Malibu for putting its citizens in mortal danger.


  1. "He works in Hollywood where rumor has it that there are a few Jews with a great deal of power there."

    Oh, not too many...just about every talent agency and production studio in the business......

  2. It's a good thing we're both into sarcasm.

    On another note; The media must be sick of reporting from the middle east. This story got so blown out of proportion. It's still making headlines, as it has for the past 4 days.

  3. Gibson got the racism from his father who denies the holocaust ever exists.

  4. One doesn't "inherit" racism. At some point in one's life, the individual must make that decision on how what criteria they use in his/her assessment of others. Some may choose to follow the path of their parents, friends, or peers. Others will follow their own path. We are each responsible for our own actions, and for what we say.

  5. The apple doesn't far from the tree.

  6. Doesn't fall far from the tree
