Monday, November 06, 2006

On Political Parties

I've made it no secret that I'm a political conservative. I'm what many would call a "Reagan Republican". In 1999, I decided my beliefs were not really in line with the Republican party anymore. I believe the party changed its platform significantly and I had probably changed as well. Members of the Republican party seemed too quick to quote the Bible, too thick-headed about "Creationism", and too willing to submit to the idea of the government's social responsibilities.

I'm not alone. As Larry Elder says in his book The Ten Things You Can't Say in America, that there is maybe a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. Some Republicans who are true conservatives have gone to the Libertarian party. The Libertarian party is intriguing to me. They are very tough on limiting the power of government, like true conservatives. However, I have difficulties in subscribing to the Libertarian solution to the drug problem, which is, essentially, to legalize them.

So I decided to be Independent until I find a party that I feel I can get on board with. In past elections, I have tried to be agnostic and vote for the person or issue I believed in, regardless of party. This election, however, I just refuse to vote for anything the Democrats want. I'm going to link to another video. It is really excellent.

Vote Republican


  1. I know one of the things you can't do on the internet: List the names of the troops.

  2. You mean list the names of troops and use their deaths to push forward your political beliefs.

  3. Like Bush does? Like so many other people do? I don't understand your point I really don't because why is it wrong for me to do that but I see Bush and the right-wingers do that and no on is outraged as they were toward me.

  4. I don't recall Bush ever saying anything like: "Joe Finkelheimer's death in Iraq is a great example of why people should believe in my politics."
    (I made up the name. I wouldn't presume to use a real casualty's name.)

    As for anyone who spits on our fallen soldiers by listing their names for political purposes, they are very wrong to do so.

  5. Everytime he mention Iraq and 9/11 when Iraq has nothing to do with it he does. When he landed on the Aircraft Carrier he did. He spits in the faces of the troops who have died for no reason except for Halliburton to be rich.

  6. Anonymous,

    That's a very general answer. Show me a quote by Bush where he mentions the specific name of a fallen soldier, without permission of the family, to support his politics.

    Keep in mind that Erik doesn't merely list one name, he lists them all. I don't think he got approval from family members of each one to use their names as he does.

  7. I guess since you only have "you didn't list examples" when I did proves the point.

  8. My bottom line is this: I knew when I did it people weren't all going to like it. So be it I'm not in this to be popular just to get people to think. I'll do it again and if people agree or disagree that's perfectly fine with me. Let them state their case positive and negative. But the fact is they all died for no reason and that won't change and Bush is solely responsible for their deaths and that won't change.

  9. Erik,

    That's all your opinion. I'm not saying it's not valid, but it is your opinion. You shouldn't state it as fact.

    If you aren't in this to be popular, why are you so upset?

  10. Anonymous,

    You didn't list any examples. You listed vague references that read like typical liberal dogma.

    I believe the fact is, that Bush never said anything like what I mentioned. You know this, so you try to be clever and claim your point was proven.
