Wednesday, December 06, 2006

NFL Power Rankings

It sure can be messy ranking these teams. One must look at their season as a whole and not just pay attention to who recently beat whom. After 13 weeks, here's how I see it.

1. Chargers (Only Shottenheimer can stop them)
2. Patriots (Not winning pretty, but winning)
3. Bears (Ditto)
4. Colts (Flaws are appearing in their armor)
5. Cowboys (Where did these guys come from?)
6. Seahawks (Starting to look like last year's team)
7. Ravens (I hope we don't see the Bears and Ravens in the Superbowl)
8. Bengals
(They need to be more consistent)
9. Saints (They are still surprising everyone)
10. Broncos (Bad decision to put Cutler in now)
11. Jaguars (They need to stop losing to lower teams)
12. Falcons
(Great one week, lousy the next)
13. Eagles (Don't quite have it together)
14. Chiefs (Ditto)
15. Steelers (Late run is probably too little, too late)
16. Jets (The AFC's surprise team)
17. Panthers (Good defense, bad offense)
18. Giants (Need to play better and stop blaming coach)
19. 49ers (Playing better, found defense and running game)
20. Bills
(A tough team at home this time of year)
21. Vikings (Typical mediocre NFC team)
22. Titans (Vince Young is starting to find his place)
23. Rams (Another mediocre NFC team)
24. Packers (Favre can't save this team)
25. Dolphins (Harrington finally shows some talent)
26. Browns (Another typical Brown season)
27. Redskins (Remember when the NFC east was supposed to be all good?)
28. Texans (Beating the Raiders isn't a big deal)
29. Buccaneers (They need a passing game)
30. Cardinals (They have a passing game, now they need everything else)
31. Lions (This has become such an inept franchise)
32. Raiders (Not as bad as earlier in the season, but still bad)


  1. I forget did I say Ravens and Panthers in the Super Bowl? And have you ever seen a team quit like the Giants?

  2. You wrote "Panthers over Ravens."
    I doubt it.

    The Giants aren't out of it in the mild NFC where the only good teams are the 4 division leaders.

  3. The Giants quit on thier coach. Panthers have a better shot and that's saying something.

  4. We'll see. I say the Giants beat the Panthers this week.

  5. Big deal Giants can beat the Panthers without their starting qb. Biggest suprise lately has been the Eagles. It would be an interesting Super Bowl if we each got one half of our Super Bowl Predictions Ravens vs. Giants

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Rams at Raiders next week. I'll make my prediction after the Rams get killed by the Bears tonight.

  8. I'll make my prediction right now. Rams 24 Raiders 7. It's that easy.

  9. The Rams defense would give up 28 points to a bunch of 12 yr olds. That means the Raiders will score at least 20. :)

  10. I think you are being generous and giving the Raiders offense too much credit.

  11. Who'd have thought that we'd be arguing over which one our teams is worse?

    Rams 38 Raiders 30

  12. Raiders couldn't score 30 points if they were the only team on the field.

  13. And honestly two things about your point:

    A) We argue about everything else :)

    B) It's no contest Raiders are worse

  14. "Raiders couldn't score 30 points if they were the only team on the field."

    The way the Rams defense plays these days, that's almost what you get. Other than Witherspoon, Little, and Tinoisamoa (out for the year), the rest of the Rams defense sucks.

    "It's no contest Raiders are worse."

    I did misstate earlier, the Raiders are slightly worse because of their owner and coach. On a damp field in Oakland, though, they may beat the Rams.

  15. You are right about one thing we are arguing about which of our teams are worse on the nfl field. It's funny. By the way I'm bringing back the themes at Corbin after the first. You might like the first one I have in mind.

  16. By the way I see St. Louis 20 Raiders 0. Thank god the season is almost over.(technically it's been over since week one)

  17. By the way congrats. We have been named Time Magazine's person of the year. We deserve a pat on the back. I'm being serious I have the link at my site.

  18. I don't believe it! The thinly sliced swiss cheese of a Rams defense shut out the Raiders in their stadium.

    How did they even win the games?

  19. How did they win games:

    Beat Pittsburgh without Rothlisberger I don't know the other one.

  20. You can look forward to having Brady Quinn as your quarterback next year. Poor Brady.

  21. The Raiders problem could be traced to two things:

    1) Al Davis
    2) No offensive line

    They have talent everywhere else I feel. But when your qb is flat on his back due to lack of protection well that will hurt.
