Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sweet Redemption

Last year, the entire college football world knew that USC would crush Texas in the Rose Bowl for the national championship. I knew USC's defense last year was suspect and sure enough, Texas was able to exploit it and squeak out a win. This year, the entire college football world knew Michigan would crush USC. This was based upon:

  • Michigan just barely lost to the #1 Ohio State Buckeyes.
  • Michigan was pissed off for not being in the championship game and would take out their frustrations on USC.
  • The Big-10 is one bad-ass conference
  • USC was coming off a bad loss to UCLA which would be too hard to recover from.
  • The Pac-10 hasn't been doing so well in bowl games
  • USC was jinxed and can't win in the Rose Bowl

What everyone forgot about was the Trojans have the best coach in college football. Pete Carroll got his team to shake off the UCLA loss and focus on Michigan. Carroll also did a much better job at making adjustments at halftime where the Wolverines, it seemed, were content with a 3-3 score that would turn in their favor by physically wearing down the Trojans.

Good job Trojans and I can't wait until next season.


  1. While a win in the grand scheme of things what does it mean? They beat a Michigan team that didn't want to be there and what will it mean? Maybe a number 5 ranking? In terms of USC and the tradition there it will mean nothing.

  2. Spoken like a true Bruin fan. You only wish your team would ever win such an insignificant game.

    In the grand scheme of things, The Trojans won their 22'nd Rose Bowl - most by any team. This game may serve as the precursor of things to come next year. Dare I say another national championship?

  3. Just so you know I put on my website how the Bruins CHOKED the game against Florida State. Remember to call things for what they are. No one remembers 2nd place and really Boise State should be the national champions.

    Next year you are right they have the team to win the national championship no doubt about that.
