Monday, February 12, 2007

Regarding Racism

Since Erik has asked me to find examples of racism and since this is February, which has been designated "black history month", I'll devote some articles to racism. This is a touchy subject for many, myself included. Racism, in my opinion, is a very overused word. One can't seem to publicly state anything regarding skin color without stirring up controversy and having the ugly "r" word brought up.

We all have our opinions on this matter. I am going to give you my definition of racism. Feel free to comment, criticize, and give your own definition.

My definition of racism is in three parts:

  1. Racism is where one believes that another person or group of people are inferior due to the color of their skin or their different country of origin.
  2. Racism is where one believes that another person or group of people are not deserving of rights or materials due to the color of their skin or their different country of origin.
  3. I don't think too many people would take issue with my above statements. It's my third form of racism that I suspect many might disagree with.

  4. Racism is where one treats an individual or group as "special" and deserving of special treatment that they would not otherwise receive. This special treatment is bestowed purely because of the color of their skin or of their different country of origin.

When one witnesses one or more of the above actions, one might be inclined to privately or publicly call the individual a "racist". I disagree with this assumption. Only the person who exhibited the behavior really knows in his or her heart, whether or not it's really due to racism.

A good example is the case of Michael Richards. Recently, at a comedy club, some individuals, who happened to be black, heckled him, apparently very strongly. Richards rebuked with a stream of foul language and racial epithets (including the 'n' word). Richards was obviously really pissed off. He knew nothing about his verbal attackers, personally, but the one thing he could see was the color of their skin. He wanted to get back at these hecklers. Now the questions are: Did Michael Richards spew out hateful stuff because he knew saying things like the 'n' word would offend his attackers or was there a deeper purpose? Did Michael Richards, in fact, hate them specifically because they were black? The answer to these questions is Only Michael Richards knows. The rest of us can endlessly speculate, debate, and accuse but that won't answer the question.


  1. I would agree with you on all points believe it or not. If I may ask you what did you feel about Biden's (and Bush's) comments about Obama a couple of weeks ago. I don't (as I put on my site) feel they were racist I feel though that it was an insult to the many articulate (whether you agree with them or not) african-american pollititions like J.C. Watts, Steve Largent, Jessie Jackson etc. who were before him.

  2. As for Biden:

    “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

    His remark falls smack into my third definition. He feels (or wants the public to think) Obama is "special" because he's black. He wouldn't make such comments about a white candidate (or for that matter, an Asian one) would he?

    But, I'm not calling Biden a racist. There's a good chance that the motivation behind his comments was to appear to the public as racially sensitive.

    I didn't see anything about comments from Bush.

  3. Erik, as for you agreeing with me, what exactly do you agree with? You called approximately 50% of all Americans racists. If you agree with me, how can you make such an accusation?

    From your blog regarding Michael Richards:

    "I've said this many times there is no room for people like him in the world. The world needs to be accepting of people of all people no matter what their skin color is."

    You seem to be sublimely calling him a racist here. So again, what part of my statement are you agreeing with?

  4. I agree with your points. Michael Richards, Mel Gibson were hateful comments directed toward a group (african americans and jewish people) now with Gibson you know his father denies the holocaust existed and I always feel the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The very fact that Gibson has been making a film with describes the holocaust from the German's point of view verifies that. And yes I say and still say how the right-wing I feel is basis based on a) what they say
    b) take a look at how diversified the presidential race is on the left vs the right. As far as that as well take a look at how congress is shaped on the left vs the right.

    The official definition of racism (at

    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
    rac·ism (rā'sĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key

    1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
    2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

    1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
    2. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

    Now you can tell me based on the quotes I have stated whether this applies to what I say

    Here is one more

    The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society. Until the breakthroughs achieved by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, white domination over blacks was institutionalized and supported in all branches and levels of government, by denying blacks their civil rights and opportunities to participate in political, economic, and social communities.

  5. Of course you can look at "official" definitions. I don't think anything you quoted is very different with what I'm saying. I do object to the last definition (you don't say where that came from) as it seems to be more of a commentary rather than a definition.

    As to how they apply to what you say. I don't know. What do you say. I've heard you call people "racists" when, as I explained, nobody can really know if someone is racist or not. Sure seems like you don't agree with me.

  6. I said all of those definitions are from

    Now we have the right to agree and disagree with what we think is racism. You ask 100 people and you will get 100 different definitions. To me I define it as when you say what I think are hateful and hurtful remarks toward a group. Examples are on my site on what I feel are racist statements and since most of them come from the right side of the isle (and some from the left which I also point out when they are made) but my belief is as I've mentioned that is the general view of the party. IF you are an independent (which is what you have said you are many times and I believe you on) you shouldn't be bothered by that statement. My statement does apply to republicans. The people who make the statements and the people who follow them no matter what they say. And to prove how the media is bias toward the right we can look at Biden's(A Democrat) statement how it was blown out of proportion when right wing hosts (like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Coulter so many others) have made so many statements insulting every minority and they get nothing but praise and do not face ANY consequences for those statements.

  7. I'm glad we are having dialougue and trying to air out our differences.

  8. "You ask 100 people and you will get 100 different definitions."

    I completely agree. That is why I started this whole thing off with my particular definition. It is also why I didn't care to read "official" definitions.

    "My statement does apply to republicans."

    Which statement is that? I was referring to the one you made in July which applied to conservatives, or more specifically, all conservatives.

    It doesn't matter which group you refer to. By labelling every individual in a group, you are automatically in the wrong. You berate people for making racist remarks. The kind of remarks that apply negative attributes to an entire group of people. We seem to agree such tagging is wrong, yet, your own remark is doing the same thing, whether it applies to Republicans, conservatives, or whatever.

    Let me put it this way. Suppose I visited Woodland Hills and I encountered some individuals whom I consider to be racists. I go home and publicly make the following statement:

    "All residents of Woodland Hills are racists. I can name names and prove it."

    That is how I feel your statement came across.

    Sorry for the delay in responding. My mother suffered a heart attack this week and I've had to do a lot of scrambling around.

  9. Robert anything I can do. I am sorry that happened. Funny thing is I've told that to other friends who are conservatives and I've been told by them that they feel conservatives are definately more racist. Again I'm taking a look at what I view are the statements and by their actions.

  10. One thing about me if you notice compared to pollitions on both sides of the isle, actors, etc. I will not back down. I do not say things are out of context I said it I mean it until you prove me wrong I will stand by what I say.

  11. I have proven you wrong. You can't possibly show that 50% of American citizens fill mine or any of the definitions of racism you posted.

    By not backing down, you are just proving yourself as a thick-headed idiot.

    I notice you never even addressed my Woodland Hills comments. That's because you can't. In fact, you never address aaything I say where I've countered virtually everything you have said.

    You might as well say the world is flat, then cover your eyes and ears and keep saying it over and over again. That's all you are doing.

  12. Robert E Wilson said...

    I have proven you wrong. You can't possibly show that 50% of American citizens fill mine or any of the definitions of racism you posted.

    By not backing down, you are just proving yourself as a thick-headed idiot.

    I notice you never even addressed my Woodland Hills comments. That's because you can't. In fact, you never address aaything I say where I've countered virtually everything you have said.

    You might as well say the world is flat, then cover your eyes and ears and keep saying it over and over again. That's all you are doing.

    Robert I make a statement backed up by facts which are the quotes I have listed so many damn times you have not offered ANY proof to the contrary. In your mind that might be proof enough to prove your point but in reality that isn't.

    On a serious note how is your mom doing that's way more important.

  13. And don't forget if you can come to corbin it's the theme songs from the year you were born this Friday. No pollitics I promise.

  14. First of all, my mother is recovering very well. Thanks for asking.

    In case you haven't noticed, we're going over the same arguments we did six months ago. I attribute this whole thing to a misunderstanding. This is why I suggested earlier that we meet and discuss it face to face. We aren't getting anywhere here. That offer still stands.

    So, in lieu of just repeating myself, yet again, I am not going to respond.

  15. Let's meet tomorrow if you wish. Give me a call on my cell which I'm not stupid enough (yet) to publish here. I gave the invitation to Corbin and I will be there about 8 if you wanna meet before give me a call.

  16. Sorry, I couldn't make it. Fridays are usually tough on me. I was too tired after a long week and I have to work today (Saturday).

    I'll make it one of these days. Of course, you can come out here. We do karaoke on Saturday nights.
