Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thoughts on 2008

What to blog about in 2008?

Actually, I think I am mostly going to stay away from the election nonsense - at least directly. I have no idea of whom I want to win the next election. Just please let it not be Clinton or Obama.

I want to talk some more about the whole climate change subject. I will continue to assert that humans have very little to do with the Arctic ice melting and such until I read something really compelling and not fudged up, cherry-picked nonsense from ex-hippies and politicians. There's a lot more to this than whether or not it exists or is caused by humans. I intend to explore the benefits of global warming, (yes, there are benefits.) I also want to address the whole "sky is falling" mentality that is eroding our collective consciousnesses.

Ethanol is a good topic to discuss in 2008. It's ludicrous to think that it will take place of oil. At least, with the technology we have today. We may be substituting "Big Oil" with "Big Corn" but we will be paying more and polluting no less.

If not ethanol, then what?

Are hybrid cars all that?

The biggest problem in the world is people.

Guns, do they really kill people?

Health care. Raise your hand if you think the federal government could possibly provide it efficiently and with quality. Before you raise your hand, think about all the other wonderful government programs that are run well and within a reasonable budget.

Radical Islam. Is 2008 going to be the year they hurt us again or will they keep infiltrating and hold on for a bigger strike?

I'm wondering if Joe Torre will make any bit of difference to the Dodgers. Are we just in for another slightly above/below .500 year again?

With Georgia Frontiere not expected to live out the year, will Chip Rosenbloom move the Rams back to Los Angeles?


  1. I will continue to assert that humans have very little to do with the Arctic ice melting and such until I read something really compelling and not fudged up, cherry-picked nonsense from ex-hippies and politicians.

    You as always ignore the facts on this issue but not surprising. Even if humans are not the cause it is an issue and if humans can fix it we should sooner rather then later.

    The biggest problem in the world is people.
    Yeah. Ignorant people.

    Guns, do they really kill people?
    Yeah.How many drive by stabbings and hanging do you hear of? I have never said we should ban guns (although I wish it were possible) I have always said we should have the strictest possible background checks as well as the strictest punishments available for people who use guns in crimes like the a-hole in Texas.

    Health care. Raise your hand if you think the federal government could possibly provide it efficiently and with quality. Before you raise your hand, think about all the other wonderful government programs that are run well and within a reasonable budget.

    How come it works in all countries that have it? It's never gonna happen here I know because the problem is (getting to your earlier point) too many people won't let that happen. How come we are well behind in the world rankings of healthcare behind the countries that do offer universal healthcare

    Radical Islam. Is 2008 going to be the year they hurt us again or will they keep infiltrating and hold on for a bigger strike?

    Since the failure of the war on terror, the failure of capturing and executing Osama Bin Laden we are set up for another attack. But we also have homegrown terror and might be pissed off Americans as well just to keep that in mind. We never know who it's going to come from and all the joke that is homeland security can really do is wait. On a side note apparently Bush thinks I'm a terrorist I am on the no fly list. Seriously.

    I'm wondering if Joe Torre will make any bit of difference to the Dodgers. Are we just in for another slightly above/below .500 year again?

    IF they stay injury free they should as always contend for the west if not outright win it. Question mark of course in Schmidt and the signing of Jones gives them a good team. Detroit Tigers are still the team to beat though at least in my opinion.

    With Georgia Frontiere not expected to live out the year, will Chip Rosenbloom move the Rams back to Los Angeles

    Nice pipe dream. We should have more dreamers like you. I said it's more likely the Raiders move back then the Lambs. But the first Professional Football game I went to was a Rams-Falcons game on a Monday Night in the late 70's so if I can take a trip down memory lane.

    For a good global warming link

  2. For what I have not commented on I really don't know and I guess we will find out together.

  3. As far as Obama or Clinton they are better then ALL Republican candidates combined. And you won't want to admit it but one is a woman and one is African American and that has a little something to do with why you don't like them. And no that's not saying you are a racist but I believe that those facts will turn people who are not and won't ever be able to accept a woman or an African American as President.

  4. "And you won't want to admit it but one is a woman and one is African American and that has a little something to do with why you don't like them."

    Erik, HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! You just proved that you don't know anything about me or what I believe in. I'd take Condoleeza Rice over Obama or Clinton any day. I honestly wish she had run. She blows them both away and she is black and a woman.

    Again, how dare you!

  5. If I missed that I apologize. Sorry. But my point is a lot of people won't vote for them for that single reason wouldn't you agree? Again I'm sorry I did miss that about Rice.

    So we both started with wrong facts about each other on our sites. Good start huh :)

  6. While I accept your apology I have to object to your comparing your insinuation that I'm a racist and a sexist to my assumption that your comment about what is fair in radio was about the "Fairness" Doctrine. To me, it's apples and oranges.

    I think you are off to a very bad start this year. I really don't appreciate being grossly misquoted about "praying" for Obama and Clinton to not get elected. You should edit or outright retract that whole post.

  7. While I will retract the quote that is a fair question regarding if people will not vote for Obama for the sole reason he is african american and Hillary for the sole reason she is a woman.

    And if you think I'm off to a bad start you are too.

    So why don't we do this: Start over like it never happened.
