Sunday, May 06, 2012

An Afternoon with the Great Elderski (Part 4)

My continuing introduction of Larry Elder to those who aren't aware of his existance.  From the Reagan Library on March 30, 2012.

More on Race Relations:
7 black youths are being held in Palmdale for beating up a 15 year old Latino.  As in the case with the British youths (See Part 2), Obama probably won’t weigh in on that either since the Latino wouldn’t look like Obama’s son. Ed calls in and challenges Larry that Talk Radio is skewed to the Right.  Elder reminds Ed that NPR, which is funded by tax dollars is overwhelmingly Left.  (I'll concede this is a weak argument by Larry.  Talk Radio is predominantly Right.  However, TV, newspapers, magazines, schools, and movies are all dominions of the Left so give us our talk radio please.)  Then Ed tries to challenge Larry concerning Jackson and Sharpton’s moral authority for getting involved in the Treyvon Martin case.  His argument is so convoluted that Larry cuts him off and says the conversation has “officially jumped the shark.”  Larry remarks that Ed is the kind of person he hopes doesn’t vote. 

We hear President Obama, in full “reverend” voice talking about the “Moses generation” which took us 90% of the promised land with the Civil Rights movement.  The remaining 10%, according to Obama is in the wealth, achievement, empathy, and hope gaps.  What do these “gaps” have to do with race relations or civil rights?

This leads right into Jesse Jackson, who also believes that the wealth, or lack thereof of many blacks is a civil rights issue.  When Larry told Jesse that civil rights is about the right for all to vote or be able to attend a college of their choice, Jesse said “Obviously, Mr. Elder identifies with white males."  Yeah, nice comeback.

Going back to NPR, 85% of its audience is white.  Blacks comprise 5%.  So here is a publicly funded institution with very little diversity.  “Isn’t this a problem, Mr. Obama?”

Caller Don reminds us that just because the police arrest someone doesn’t mean the DA will have a case.  Larry, who spent time in a DA’s office, agrees and says this is what may be happening with the Treyvon Martin case.
Audio here: Larry Elder Show from Reagan Library 4

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