Sunday, January 08, 2017


Got a few things lined up for 2017.  I mostly stay away from politics now, but I do want to get back into more cinema analysis.

The Mosquito Coast:  I have an article and video in progress concerning this 80's film.  I would have finished it in 2016 except some personal stuff got in the way.  It should be done early this year.

More Sideways:  In response to several requests for re-visiting this film - particularly comparing it to the novel.  This should be out in the first half of this year.  By the way, many thanks to those who have commented on my Sideways analysis on this site and on YouTube.

Bond Revisited: Years ago, I did a James Bond film analysis.  I'm working on a much more robust update that will include video.  This will be in sections and should go into next year as well.

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