Saturday, March 04, 2023

NL#2: Goodnight

A nice round of applause and even a shout occurs as we finish up our duet.  I get a nice little hug.  As we sit back down, she apologizes for not knowing the song as well as she’d like.  I smile at her and tell her she did great and I hope she had fun while doing it.  I also bring up the fact that I screwed up one line and know the song so I have no excuse.  She says “No worries! It’s always fun with you Robert.  You surprise me every time you go up there.  You’re so different when you’re not in trial.”

She’s right of course.  When working, I’m almost all business, intense even.  I’m glad she realizes there’s more to me than the oftentimes stern and critical technician she sees in various courtrooms.  Sitting down and taking in a few good swigs of beer, I get a few “good job” gestures and it’s not long before I’m back in my shell.  She’s now talking with the guys.  I pretend to listen in, but I can’t distinguish voices with all the background noise so as usual, I don’t know what’s going on.  It’s almost 11 and I finish my beer and get ready to go up and request my third, and almost certainly last song.  I’ve been debating this one.  Do I dare somber down and go with Herb Alpert’s “This Guy’s In Love With You”.  I know it well.  I used to sing it to my wife, but now I have a different target in mind.  I ask the passing waiter for a Coke and I wonder if I should go through with it.  I’d sing the song looking straight ahead and certainly not at her.  I have some cute gestures I like to do with this number.  It’s too on-target!  Plus, she’s had a few and the bar is louder than ever and full of half, maybe even a few fully drunk patrons.  She may not notice.  I’ll save it for another night and do a real attention getter instead.  I’ve been wanting to do “Enter Sandman” by Metallica for a while.  I’m not a hard rocker, but I can roar with the best of them.  I got to get some sugary cola down my throat though.  It will prepare my voice better.

I got a bit hoarse at the end, but really got the crowd going.  There was a good deal of laughter when I got back to the gang.  It was fun for me.  It was fun for them watching me, an old guy stroll around the little stage and scare everyone with my intense heavy metal growl.  I get told that they never imagined me doing anything like that.  I tell them I forgot my leather pants.  More laughter ensues.  She comes over and hugs me.  I hug her back strong and long here.  She’s a bit intoxicated and I can smell the cigarette smoke on her so I was able to get a bit extra touchy-feely.  She felt so good.  It was tough to let go. 

I look her in the eyes and tell her I will have to be leaving soon.  “Awww, I know you have a long drive home.”  Yes, I was tired and a bit burned out.  As I had mentioned, these crowded gatherings are exhausting to an Aspie. 

The drive home tonight will just have me frustrated.  I’ll keep thinking of things I should have said.  I’ll start thinking of what to do next.

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